Name of leader Gerry Adams
Full Name Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh
Organization Óghlaigh na hÉireann
English Translation Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Full Org. Name Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA)
Conflict country United Kingdom
Gender Male
Year of birth 1948[1]
Place of birth Belfast, United Kingdom[2]
Year of death . N/A
No, Adams has not died.
Birth order
He is the eldest of ten children.[3]
Age at start of rebel leadership
In 1977, so at age 29.[4]
Leader entry method
He was elected president.[5]
No; while the overlap of PIRA and Sein Féin blurred hierarchy of many decision-makers, Adams was firmly at the helm.
Education (also name universities attended, if any); note any relevant experiences while a student
He only for sure finished primary. He did not finish secondary school since he left school at 17.[6]
Ever married? If yes, age of first marriage
Yes, he got married in 1971, at age 23.[7]
Yes, he has a son.[8]
Religious identification
He is Christian.[9]
Elite Family background
No, there is no evidence he is from an elite family background.
Political affiliations and intellectual circles; note any relevant social connections made
Adams was heavily involved in the civil rights protest in Northern Ireland.[10]
Physical and mental health
No, there is no evidence of poor physical or mental health.
Pre-militant leader occupation
He was a barman.[11]
Experience in a state military, and role; any relevant social ties
No, there is no evidence of experience in a state military.
Experience in a nonstate military, and role; any relevant social ties
No, there is no evidence of experience in a nonstate military.
Combat experience prior to assuming resistance organization leadership?
There is a possibility, but it is uncertain. “By early 1970 he was suspected of heading a unit of the IRA.”[12]
Held government position prior to assuming leadership?
No, he was elected to public office after he was no longer in a military position. It is assumed this was after his leadership in the PIRA.[13]
Lived in exile?
No, there is no evidence he lived in exile.
Study abroad?
No, there is no evidence he studied abroad.
Did the leader receive military training abroad?
No, there is no evidence he received military training abroad.
Did the leader have extensive work experience abroad?
No, there is no evidence he had extensive work experience abroad.
Serve time in prison? Social connections during that time?
Yes, he served time before he was a leader. In 1972 Adams was interned and then he was imprisoned again in 1973-1976 and 1978.[14] (1978 leadership technically does not count as he was no longer leader)
Was there an assassination attempt on the leader by the state?
No, “an explosive device was thrown at Adams’ home in Belfast overnight” in 2018,[15] but this was after his leadership.
Cause of Death?
Primary language, and other languages spoken as adult
His primary language is English.[16]
Image Credit:
[1] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
[2] Cowell-Meyers, Kimberly, and Paul Arthur, "Gerry Adams," Encyclopædia Britannica, April 17, 2013, Accessed January 08, 2017,
[3] Peter Chalk, Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Volume 1 (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013), 9.
[4] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
[5] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
[6] Peter Chalk, Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Volume 1 (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013), 9.
[7] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company), 107.
[8] "Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams stays strong,", January 23, 2014, Accessed January 08, 2017,
[9] "Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams stays strong,", January 23, 2014, Accessed January 08, 2017,
[10] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
[11] "Gerry Adams: From Barman To Political Operator," Sky News, Accessed January 29, 2017,
[12] Cowell-Meyers, Kimberly, and Paul Arthur, "Gerry Adams," Encyclopædia Britannica, April 17, 2013, Accessed January 08, 2017,
[13] Timothy Hoyt, “A Terrible Beauty: The Gerry Adams Story Continues,” War on the Rocks, Texas National Security Review, May 13, 2014,
[14] Ed Moloney, A Secret History Of The IRA ( 500 Fifth Avenue, New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
[15] “Former Sinn Fein Leader Gerry Adams’ House Hit with Explosives,” Al Jazeera, July 14, 2018,
[16] “Languages," Central Intelligence Agency, Accessed July 4, 2020,